by Tammy Ditmore | Jan 17, 2025 | Events, personal reflections
Over the past ten days, horribly destructive fires in Southern California have been in all the headlines, and friends and family from around the country have contacted me, wanting to know if we are okay. Many of them have only a rudimentary idea of where we live or...
by Tammy Ditmore | Dec 16, 2022 | personal reflections
Eleven years with a gem of a dog still doesn’t feel long enough.
by Tammy Ditmore | Jun 1, 2022 | personal reflections
I don’t think there are many people outside my family who made a bigger impact on my life than Charlie Marler, who passed away last week in Abilene, Texas. Decades after my last journalism class with him, I hear his voice in my ear when I write, and sometimes I...
by Tammy Ditmore | Sep 11, 2021 | Editing, Events, personal reflections
I’ve been watching lots of 9/11 documentaries in the past few weeks, and the images are still searing, even 20 years later. Passenger jetliners plow directly into skyscrapers. Fireballs, plumes of smoke, bloodied pedestrians streaming out of the Twin Towers as...
by Tammy Ditmore | Jan 21, 2019 | Editing, personal reflections
Once again, Liz Dexter has done me a favor by featuring eDitmore Editorial Services in her “Small Business Chat Update” on her LibroEditing website. Hard to believe, but this is the seventh time I’ve participated in these chats, which Liz began to help small business...
by Tammy Ditmore | Jul 4, 2018 | personal reflections
The Fourth of July looks a little different to me this year. That’s because it’s only been a few days since my husband and I returned from eight weeks in Florence, Italy, and I’m still keenly sensitive to the differences of life in the suburbs of Southern California...