Holding My Work in Hand

It’s always great when I get a chance to hold my work in my hand–literally. Helping an author take words and ideas and shape them into a book is the most rewarding part of my job.

So it’s been fun in the past few weeks to receive copies of the final products from some of my authors and publishing clients.books

One of my favorite parts of my job at eDitmore Editorial Services is the variety of material that I get to edit. The titles of these books hint at that variety: The Debt-Free Diploma: The Definitive Guide to Finding, Winning, and Keeping Scholarships by Diana Childers; Growing Up with G. I. Joe’s by Janna Orkney, Desert Patrol by Phil Ward, and The Quest for the Historical Adam: Genesis, Hermeneutics, and Human Origins by William VanDoodewaard,  from Reformation Heritage Press.

These books have been years in the making, and I know the authors are delighted to see their thoughts in black and white with full-color covers.

Thanks, Diana, Janna, Phil, and Reformation Heritage Books, for letting me play a small role in bringing your ideas to life.

May 12, 2015

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Need help with your article or advertisement? Want someone to give your book a final look? Drop us a line or give us a call—we’d love to have a word with you.


Tammy Ditmore’s timely, thorough, detailed and accurate proofreading made my book print ready. She delivers high quality work on schedule and is a pleasure to work with.
Todd ArnoldManaging PrincipalSmart Customer Insights

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