Looking forward to 2015 Publishing University

I’m super excited about attending the Independent Book Publishing Association’s Publishing University next month. And I’m even more excited about the trip because I’ve been granted an affiliate scholarship on behalf of the Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network.

PubU Jpeg image

The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) is the largest professional publishing association in the country, and it serves the independent publishing community by providing advocacy, education, and tools for success. Nearly 300 book publishing professionals from across the country are expected to attend this 27th annual Publishing University: a two-day, networking, and educational event focused on issues important to indie publishers and self-published authors.

I attended PubU in 2012 because I wanted to learn more about the publishing world, which I felt was changing so rapidly that I couldn’t keep up. In a blog post about that trip, I wrote, “After sitting through this kind information onslaught for a couple of days, I am feeling incredibly optimistic. Why? It’s a bit hard to say. But I think mainly because it feels like I’ve walked into an industry that is re-creating itself.” Three years later, I’m still convinced of that truth.

Attending PubU in 2012 introduced me to many aspects of publishing that were new to me and to many people who were generous with advice and their ideas. It also gave me a chance to contribute for the first time to the SPAWN newsletter, when I wrote an article titled “Ignore Social Media at Your Own Risk” for the August 2012 newsletter.

This year, I’ll be offering daily updates to SPAWN members from this year’s PubU, probably in the form of Tweets and blog posts and Facebook updates and maybe even through a video chat. Looks like I won’t be at risk for ignoring social media this year!

Let me know if you’ll be at PubU too!

March 6, 2015

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Tammy Ditmore’s timely, thorough, detailed and accurate proofreading made my book print ready. She delivers high quality work on schedule and is a pleasure to work with.
Todd ArnoldManaging PrincipalSmart Customer Insights

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  1. Tammy,
    I’m also attending. Would love to meet up and talk shop!

    • Sounds great, Jodi. My email address is on the Contact page of the website. Send me an email, and we can make sure we get a chance to meet in person!