Has It Been a Year Already?

Last June, I felt privileged to be interviewed by Liz Broomfield as part of her regular Saturday Business Chat on her LibroEditing site.

As she promised then, Liz checked in on me recently to see how I had done in the past year. I was grateful for the chance to look back at where I was a year ago and evaluate how well I had fulfilled the goals I had talked about publicly.

My update was published on Liz’s site on Saturday, June 8. It’s been a good year by most measures, but I’ve had a few surprises as well. I won’t spoil it for you by explaining it all here—get the details in the interview at Libro.

I’m most grateful to Liz for giving me the chance to participate a year ago and nudging me recently to re-examine my year. Liz publishes a very helpful blog for writers and editors and recently released an ebook: Going it Alone at 40: How I Survived My First Year of Full-Time Self-Employment. It’s a fascinating look at the usually hidden day-to-day freelancer’s life, and I’m grateful to Liz for helping me feel like I’m not so alone as I try to go it alone.

Thanks, Liz, for featuring me in your blog not once, but twice. It’s been such a helpful process for me!

June 10, 2013

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1 Comment

  1. It’s a pleasure to feature you on my chat series, Tammy, and lovely to read how valuable it’s been to you to take part. Thanks for the mention of my blog and book, too! And I look forward to seeing how you’re doing in another year’s time!