Following ACES

I learned a lot this past weekend at my first National Conference of the American Copy Editors Society (ACES). I learned that people look up the words affect and effect in the online Merriam Webster’s Dictionary more than any other words—although qi is often tops at 11 p.m. on a Friday (“Words with Friends” fans will know why.)

I learned how to find out which SEO keywords can be most effective. I learned that the Copyediting newsletter is worth its annual price. I learned about the hub and spoke method of building a social media network.

And I learned—or rather I re-learned—that copy editors are smart, funny people who are generous with their knowledge and passionate about their work. I met people who are editing for newspapers, encyclopedias, corporate publications, universities, websites and—according to all the freelancers I met—anything anyone will pay us to edit.

That’s because editors in general love language and enjoy the challenge of editing. So we are all looking for  a way to make a living working with the words we love.

Thanks, ACES, for giving so many people who usually work in the shadows a chance to gather in the sunlight of St. Louis for a few days. I’m already looking forward to next year in Las Vegas.


April 8, 2013

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This book has been a major effort for me over the past 15 years—both emotionally and in time commitment. Your feedback helped me give it structure. Your insightful questions encouraged me to go deep… Read more
Janene Heldman, author, From Hell to Holy Places

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