Ojai Writers Conference and Workshops

Living on the far reaches of Los Angeles, I often feel that all culturally or professionally worthwhile events require me to navigate the maze of traffic-clogged freeways of the nation’s second-largest metropolis. So it’s always delightful to find events like this...

More Troubling Amazon News

While still grappling with questions about Amazon’s pricing practices, today I came across even more troubling information about how the massive bookseller and epublisher is enabling publishing “knockoffs.” It’s a fascinating and troubling...

Fearing Amazon

  My family loves books, and we probably own enough of them to start a small library. Because we rarely go more than a few weeks without making a book purchase, Amazon.com has been bookmarked on our computer browsers for years, and we have long enjoyed the special...

Social Promotion

“Content Is King” was the theme of the recent 2012 IBPA Publishing University, but social media surely played the role of crown prince. In session after session, speakers from every niche of the publishing world touted the power of social media and gave tips on how to...

Learning about Books by the Bay

I left my last session of the Independent Book Publishers Association University a few hours ago, but I think I’m going to be processing the information I picked up on this trip to San Francisco for a long time. I registered for this event with more than a little...

Finding My Place in a Changing World

In the past year, I have spent hours researching the current state of publishing as I try to determine the future and the direction of eDitmore Editorial Services. And I think I can say with absolute certainty that no one can say with absolute certainty what...