Social Promotion

“Content Is King” was the theme of the recent 2012 IBPA Publishing University, but social media surely played the role of crown prince. In session after session, speakers from every niche of the publishing world touted the power of social media and gave tips on how to harness that power.

Facebook. Google+. Twitter. Pinterest. Goodreads. Mommy bloggers. YouTube. Virtual blog tours. LinkedIn. Online book clubs. The list of social media outlets grows and changes daily, and the variety of options can be staggering. But ignoring social media is not an option, according to the IBPA experts, not if you care about selling books.

Many of the lectures and workshops at the March 9 and 10 Publishing University in San Francisco showed how using social media can help authors and publishers get noticed in an enormously crowded field.

Dan Poynter, of ParaPublishing, who has been self-publishing since the 1960s, put it this way: “Spend time learning the new technology, or you are going to be left out.”

Read my tips from some IBPA sessions and find more helpful articles about using social media to promote your writing and your work in the April 2012 newsletter of the Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network (SPAWN) at

April 1, 2012

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Tammy Ditmore’s timely, thorough, detailed and accurate proofreading made my book print ready. She delivers high quality work on schedule and is a pleasure to work with.
Todd ArnoldManaging PrincipalSmart Customer Insights

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