Go Set an Editor

In February, I noted how announcements regarding Harper Lee’s novel Go Set a Watchman provided a glimpse of an editor’s role in creating To Kill a Mockingbird. Now that Watchman has been released, Lee’s editor is getting even more attention. I have not read...

Holding My Work in Hand

It’s always great when I get a chance to hold my work in my hand–literally. Helping an author take words and ideas and shape them into a book is the most rewarding part of my job. So it’s been fun in the past few weeks to receive copies of the final...

The Ultimate Niche Product

Books are the ultimate niche product. And they’re getting “nichier” every year, according to a number of people I heard and talked to at the Independent Book Publishing Association’s Publishing University 2015. Peter Hildick-Smith of Codex-Group opened Pub U 2015 with...

Editing Harper Lee

By now, anyone who pays any attention to the world of words knows that Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, is releasing a new book. The stature of To Kill a Mockingbird, which was published in 1960, can surely be measured by the number of news outlets around...