Another Small Business Chat

For the past couple of years, I’ve been pleased to claim a spot on Liz Broomfield’s Small Business Chat on her LibroEditing website. My latest installment appeared Saturday on the site of Liz Dexter, who hasn’t let a spring wedding get in the way of her efforts to promote small business owners.

It’s been very helpful for me to take the time to slow down these past couple of years and consider where I’ve been, where I’m going, and where I want to go. Reading my answers from 2012 and 2013 help remind me of how my life and my business have changed in the past couple of years.

Liz runs an extraordinarily helpful website for writers and editors, often providing specific tips on working with Microsoft Word. Her chats with small business owners allow us to learn from each other’s mistakes and triumphs. She’s also written several books aimed at helping people who want to launch and run their own small businesses.

Her most recent book, Running a Successful Business after the Start-up Phase: Who Are You Calling Mature?, offers advice for people who, like me, have survived the initial days/weeks/years of getting a new business off the ground but could sure use some tips about running this business we have established. Like Liz mentions in the book’s introduction, I have found far more information available about getting started in a small business than continuing in a small business, so I’m happy to have her insight in book form.

I think Liz has developed a unique insight from conducting the Small Business chats for a few years and revisiting the same businesses annually. I’m grateful that she is so willing to share that insight and also for the opportunity to play a small role in that process. I’m already looking forward to chatting again in 2015.

August 24, 2014

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  1. A lovely mention for “How to Run a Successful Business after the Start-up Phase” | Liz Broomfield Books - […] the whole blog post here. Thank you, […]