BB Guns to Muumuus: All in a Week’s Work!

One of the best things about working as an independent editor is the wide variety of material I get to read, and glancing back at some of the words and ideas I’ve looked up in the past few days simply makes me smile. I can’t help it; I think words are fun.

This week, I’ve confirmed that the proper terms are barefoot (not barefooted); BB gun (no periods); good-bye (hyphenated); postdoctoral (no hyphen); swing set and wild flower (two words); and farmhouse, sailboat, and storybook (all one word) for the family-focused memoir I’m copy editing from the wife of Ernest Boyer, an influential U.S. educator. Gotta send some love to the online Merriam-Webster Unabridged for helping me through these.

Today, I added Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver (1956 Democratic presidential ticket); Ralphs (no apostrophe in the supermarket name); and muumuu (yes, it really does have a double double u) while proofreading a memoir from an Iranian immigrant who had a distinguished career in civil engineering. Dug out my hardbound M-W Collegiate Dictionary while dealing with paper proofs; I had almost forgotten how helpful the the Biographical and Geographical Names sections could be!

I’m already looking forward to plowing back into these two projects tomorrow and to a couple of new ones scheduled to show up next week. Who knows what new adventures I might find in the world of words?

What’s the most interesting or fun word, phrase, detail, or concept you’ve looked up lately?


February 20, 2014

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Tammy Ditmore was the consummate professional. She was very humble in dealing with me and tailored her editing style to fit my specific needs. She was prompt and punctual with deadlines and was very o… Read more
Malik WadeAuthor of "Pressure: From FBI Fugitive to Freedom"

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