How Do You Know Whether You Need an Editor or a Ghostwriter?

I don’t often use this space just to plug another person’s blog, but I read a post today that struck me as too perfect to pass up. It appeared on the Gotham Ghostwriters blog, written by Josh Bernoff, a veteran writer and business consultant.

The title alone is worth your time: “About Your Book Idea: Do You Need an Editor, a Ghostwriter, or Therapy?

If you’ve ever wondered about needing an editor, or a ghostwriter, or whether to write a book at all, then take a look at this column!




September 10, 2018

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This book has been a major effort for me over the past 15 years—both emotionally and in time commitment. Your feedback helped me give it structure. Your insightful questions encouraged me to go deep… Read more
Janene Heldman, author, From Hell to Holy Places

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