How Do You Know Whether You Need an Editor or a Ghostwriter?

I don’t often use this space just to plug another person’s blog, but I read a post today that struck me as too perfect to pass up. It appeared on the Gotham Ghostwriters blog, written by Josh Bernoff, a veteran writer and business consultant.

The title alone is worth your time: “About Your Book Idea: Do You Need an Editor, a Ghostwriter, or Therapy?

If you’ve ever wondered about needing an editor, or a ghostwriter, or whether to write a book at all, then take a look at this column!




September 10, 2018

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Need help with your article or advertisement? Want someone to give your book a final look? Drop us a line or give us a call—we’d love to have a word with you.


Tammy is sensitive to my work and does a great job to maintain the integrity of my writing and my voice! 
Phuong Pham Uzoff

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