by Tammy Ditmore | Jul 4, 2018 | personal reflections
The Fourth of July looks a little different to me this year. That’s because it’s only been a few days since my husband and I returned from eight weeks in Florence, Italy, and I’m still keenly sensitive to the differences of life in the suburbs of Southern California...
by Tammy Ditmore | Feb 28, 2018 | personal reflections, Publishing
I don’t write book reviews often for this space, but this one is 20 years in the making, so it seems worthwhile. Katharine Graham’s Personal History has been sitting on my shelf for a long time. A former newspaper journalist, I’ve long been interested in Graham,...
by Tammy Ditmore | Feb 4, 2018 | Editing
Although I use Word’s spelling checker regularly (see my 2015 post about my affinity for the squiggly red line), I have never found much use for Word’s grammar checker. It’s wrong so often that I generally just turn it off. But Word 2016 has added a little feature...
by Tammy Ditmore | Jan 21, 2018 | Editing, Writing
My recent update to from Microsoft Word 2011 to to 2016 (for Mac) continues to offer many chances to learn something new. So What I Learned This Week in Editing again is about a changed feature in Word 2016. How Do I Remove Personal Information from a File? When a...
by Tammy Ditmore | Jan 15, 2018 | Editing, Writing
A friend moved his family to Germany a few years ago, and he started posting regular updates on Facebook called “What I Learned This Week in Germany.” The posts are filled with witty observations about the differences of life in Germany and the U.S. or very practical...