Editing and More

Losing More than Memories

I was privileged last week to participate in an intimate meeting with Julia Brownley, the woman who represents my area in Congress. It was an honor to be able to shake hands with Rep. Brownley and then sit down with five other women to discuss an issue that is near to...

An Editor at a Writers Conference

I was fortunate to get a chance to hang out for a few hours on Saturday at the 2016 AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) Conference and Bookfair at the Los Angeles Convention Center. AWP is like Disneyland for writers and writing professors and writing...

Merry Christmas, 2015 Style

The stockings were never hung this year; the ornaments I’ve carefully collected on vacations and memorable occasions didn’t make their annual trek from my garage to the living room. Neither did the ceramic Christmas tree my grandmother made for me a few decades ago or...

My Annual Review Chat

Business owners are commonly told that they should set aside time at least once a year to review their business, to take a look at where they have been and set a course for where they want to go. Following this good advice, however, is often harder than it should be....

Looking for a Perfect Match

  Wherever two or more writers are gathered—from local critique groups to large national conferences to digital group hangouts—the topic of editors is bound to come up eventually. Almost all writers and publishing professionals say a good editor can make or break...

Go Set an Editor

In February, I noted how announcements regarding Harper Lee’s novel Go Set a Watchman provided a glimpse of an editor’s role in creating To Kill a Mockingbird. Now that Watchman has been released, Lee's editor is getting even more attention. I have not read Watchman...

Holding My Work in Hand

It’s always great when I get a chance to hold my work in my hand--literally. Helping an author take words and ideas and shape them into a book is the most rewarding part of my job. So it's been fun in the past few weeks to receive copies of the final products from...

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I had a book manuscript that had a thorough edit by a copy editor, but there were many changes made and I wanted another set of eyes to look at  it carefully. So I hired Tammy Ditmore to do a “fina… Read more
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